Monday, September 16, 2013

Thinking Like A Mountain Reponse

The wilderness is one of the greatest places on the planet but there has to be balance in it for the ecosystem survive. Diversity equals stability with to much of one thing or to little of one thing the ecosytem can  fall apart. in the early part of this century people thought that predators were bad so they were killed off and we are still facing reprocusions today.

In the reading titled thinking like a mountain. Aldo leopald bases the reading around a metphor that the mountain knows more about the wilderness then we do. He starts with a peom about a wolf howling and how only the mountain knows what it means. He then moves on to one of his personal experiences with killing wolves  and how it changed him forever.He then talks about how killing the wolves in such mass as he did affects the wilderness in a negative way and how wrong it was.

 I enjoyed this article becasue I can relate to it. I love the wilderness so I know abit about extripating and have seen first hand how the lack of predators has an affect on the other animals and the landscape. For this reason I am very glad that we are now trying to reverse the mistakes that we made at the begining of the last century. Towards the end of the article he talks about how run down the land gets when there are to many deer or elk when there are not enough predators to keep their numbers down and I dont want tha to happen. Not to mention wolves are some of the smartest animals out there and I they have always been extremely interesting to me.

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