Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ted talk reaction

The ocean, Its a wonderful place full of fish algea sharks whales and thousands of other species. We all think about how fun it would be to go swim with dolfins and go diving in beautiful coral reefs. This is a beautiful eco system that we can all love and respect but what we dont know is that it can all be very easily.

In this TED talk, Enric sala talks about how the ecosystems in coral reefs every where are being destoryed and taken down to nothing but sea urchins and algea on top of bare rocks. When a eco system is heathy there should be more predators like sharks with  fewer plankton eaters but also alot of variety. But when a eco system and the reef is degraded then it is  the opposite with more bottom feeders than predators. He spoke about how when an area is protected and it will be heathlier. If we prtect reefs the wildlife will flourish and produce more fish then when it is unprotected and those fish will leave the protected area and get caught so it helps the fishing economy. 1% of the ocean is protected and it would be cheaper to prtect 20% of the worlds ocean than it would to subsidies commercial fishing. If we had more prtected waters than we could bring in more tourist divers and that would bring in more money than fishing alone will. 

My instant reaction to this is why dont we have more area protected why dont we make it a priority and the anwser came later in the video . He talked about how there is not much awareness about the subject. This made me feel like we as people need to care more about our enviroment because its the only one we have.This also made me want to learn more about how these coral reefs get degraded and why we dont stop degrading them.

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